22 Jun 2012

Interlude in Cherryland

I was lucky enough to go last week to the Apt région in Provence during the harvest of Biggareau cherries, cherries specifically grown in the Luberon valley to make the finest French glacé cherries. 
I brought some wonderful memories back as well as some pictures and videos I wanted to share with you.

I am amazed every time I go to Provence: this region is not only the homeland of delicious fruits and vegs grown in beautiful landscapes, but also to the most picturesque villages and to the nicest people!

Walking in a Bigarreau cherry orchard, it's like walking in a candy shop.

Gordes, one of the most beautiful villages in France

Lavender field near Apt

From the orchard to the glacé cherry pot, everything is done locally here. As soon as the cherries are picked, they are brought to the nearby factories to be candied

I might not be the reddest cherry, but don't get confused, I am very much as tasteful as the cherries that you usually eat!
 Last but not least, this is video of how bigarreau cherries are mecanically harvested. Isn't it one of the coolest things you ever seen!? I just love it!


  1. Very nice pictures. I love Gordes and especially the apricot/lavender jam. Do you have a recipe for that?

    1. Thanks Labulle!
      Apricot and lavender jam! I didn't know about it actually, it sounds amazing. I haven't tackled the art of jam yet (apart from Orange Marmelade), but it's definitely on my To Do list!


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